Wow, it’s finally/already a new year! I think I speak for most of us when I say thank GOODNESS. 2020 was not My favorite year! However, I’m very glad to have made it through to the other side, and I have several things to be thankful for, including:
- Unlike so many of My friends, I did not have to move homes in 2020
- Social Media kept me connected with the majority of My closest friends and fans
- My home dungeon/salon floors having finally been finished, allowing Me to set up for shoots and playtime again (enjoy the photos of it that I’m adding to this post!)
- My lovely collared sub of almost 6 years and I are still together <3
- Nobody in My household has gotten COVID – thank GOODNESS!
- I’ve gotten to know some really great subs and kinksters that I will hopefully be able to play with in person soon!
Since it’s a new year, I thought that we should start the year out with some clarity. I have received several messages recently from people who found Me on a website and were waiting for ages for me to reply. Though this may shock some, the truth is that I am a human being who simply does not have the time or desire to keep track of every inbox ever! There are many profiles for Me across various kink sites and social media that I may not be using anymore (but I’ll keep them so that catfishes cannot join those sites under My name and claim to be Me) . On top of your introduction message potentially never reaching Me, it frustrates Me and causes Me unnecessary stress to see an overflowing inbox on the rare occasion that I DO log into these social media sites. (Fetlife, I’m glaring at you!) So you’re really, REALLY failing to make a positive first impression on Me if you are ignoring My wishes and sending to the wrong place.

This has been on my Fetlife profile for OVER FOUR YEARS. Yet hundreds of people still message Me there every year! Don’t be one of them.
But fear not! I am now going to lay out all of the ways that you CAN and SHOULD contact Me, if you choose to do so. Remember, the first step in making a good impression on a Domina is to read Her rules and respect Her wishes. I’ve even gone to the trouble of purchasing a couple more domain names, just to make it even easier for everyone!
is My new, permanent home on the internet for My fan club! I’m sure you’ve heard of Onlyfans, right? Well, it’s an onlyfans. I had my doubts about the platform when I joined last March (exactly one week before My city became the first in the U.S. to shelter in place…), but they’ve made a lot of improvements on the backend that have kept Me happy! As of today, My onlyfans has 515 photos, 57 videos and 373 posts. Every member of My fan club gets a discount and first look at My new videos, behind the scenes content that nobody else sees, and even EXPLICIT NUDES on occasion. You also get to exchange private messages with Me there that I will actually read and reply to! For $9 a month, it’s by far the most affordable way to get to know the real Stylist.

SextPanther and Niteflirt
Are you aching to DM with Me about your secret fetish? Did a photo of Mine that you found online strike a chord with a deep-seated fantasy of yours that you’d really like to talk about? If you’re looking to have a live chat with Me, SextPanther is My favorite place to do so! It’s a paid (yes, sexting with a Pro costs money) texting, phone call, and now VIDEO CALL chat site that I really really love! The best part is that once you’re signed up and have started a conversation, the texts literally go straight to My phone! I don’t have to have a certain website or app open and turned on for texts; I just use it exactly like a normal text message! And that makes it so easy and stress-free for Me to keep track of! They just unveiled their new video chat feature as well, which does have to be run through their website. I’m excited to use every feature available to me on that platform!
Niteflirt, on the other hand, is definitely more old-school. I’ve had My niteflirt account since…2012? I joined that site for a bit right when I turned 18…I was so excited about phone sex! An old faithful, it’s still great for phone calls but not much else. I do still use Niteflirt on occasion, but mostly when someone emails me ahead of time to request a phone session (hint, hint). I would prefer that all of My new clients and friends contact Me through SextPanther, but I’ll continue to use Niteflirt for calls until it no longer serves Me!

Over the years, many adult clip selling sites have popped up. As a self-employed sex worker, I’ve tried out many! But starting this month, I would like to ask My fans to make their purchases at the above link. The internet in My 100+ year old home is not equipped to easily upload My videos to 4 or more different websites, so I focus on Manyvids and then Clips4Sale, with members of My onlyfans getting the first chance to watch new videos. I technically still have a video store up on IWantClips, but it’s rarely updated and missing many of My hottest clips. So, bookmark WatchHairClips.com and never miss an update!

Where to Follow for Free
Despite it being a pain at times, I do enjoy using social media to meet new people and stay connected with friends and fans from all over the world! However, as I said before, I don’t have the energy or desire to chat with people on every site. Here are My official social media links, in order of how often I use them.
- Twitter: @DenaliWinter – I’ve had this account for years and I use Twitter daily. This is usually the first place that I’ll post publicly about new videos, session/salon availability, life updates and events! I encourage you to follow Me there. I do not accept Twitter DMs.
- Reddit: u/SadisticStylist – I used to just use Reddit for scrolling through video game tips and TV show spoilers, but now I really enjoy using it for porn! I have two subreddits there, r/SadisticStylist and r/ThickFemDom. Go upvote all of My posts and enjoy the sexy freebies I frequently post! I am happy to answer questions in the comments and get into discussions, but I do not accept Reddit PMs or chats.
- Twitch: twitch.tv/gamerfluid – I’ve been watching friends of mine stream on Twitch for YEARS, and now I’m finally getting into it Myself! I keep it COMPLETELY VANILLA there, so don’t even try chatting about anything naughty or speaking in any kinky code in My chat room or you will be banned. I haven’t been streaming very often yet, but I’m hoping to do at least one stream a week! I generally play Stardew Valley, Sims 4, and other life/farming sim games, though I am open to suggestions. PG fun and chill vibes only!
(Dis)honorable Mentions
- Fetlife: DenaliWinter – Once upon a time, I was a young adult in a small town and in need of a kinky community. I became very active on Fetlife. Now, I live in San Francisco and am very “plugged in” to My local kink, leather, BDSM, queer etc. communities. I feel no need to rush to Fet and update My relationship status every time I acquire a new kink relationship, and I never use the groups anymore. I mostly just keep the account for posterity, and so that nobody can claim to be Me on the platform. There are also pages on there for My salon and petplay site that I haven’t updated in years. You are welcome to add Me there and “perv my feed”, just don’t expect a lot of engagement! I do not accept Fetlife DMs.
- Facebook: ewww – Why the fuck would I still use that website? As far as I know, I still have two accounts there, one which hasn’t been touched in over a year and one that’s much older. Again, they are only for posterity and to avoid catfishes. I will never, ever return to that hellsite. Stop giving Zuckerberg your personal data and get off of there.
- Instagram: fuck that – IG is one of the biggest offenders when it comes to social media sites that once welcomed people like Me that now delete our accounts every day. By some miracle, I still have accounts there, but I don’t expect them to last much longer. And thanks to creeps on that platform who don’t know how to act, I am no longer giving the links out. Too many weirdo “fans” have found ways to jump from My personal page there to the pages of My vanilla salon job and vanilla coworkers and have left them messages that are sexual and disturbing. So NO MORE INSTAGRAM FOR YOU!
- “But Stylist, I found and friended you somewhere that you haven’t listed!” Well, the sites above are the only ones I find worth mentioning. It’s possible that you find a placeholder account that I made to make sure My name isn’t taken by an imposter…but if that account is talking to you, you may well be getting catfished! If you think this may be the case, you should contact Me through My preferred channels…which leads to My final point:
Just email Me. Want to ask specific questions about sessions? Email Me. Hoping to send something through the mail for My salon and need an address? Email Me. Want a custom video? Email Me. Have a general question after you’ve thoroughly read My website and have definitely not found the answer written here? Email Me!
Remember that through all of the platforms listed above, it is forbidden to discuss meeting in person. I cannot answer messages on SextPanther, Niteflirt, Onlyfans etc. about sessioning or even making haircut appointments. Those types of inquiries belong in My email inbox ONLY.
StylistDenali (at) protonmail (dot) com
is where you can contact Me! Please consider also using an encrypted email platform such as protonmail, so our conversation will be truly private.
If you’ve read all of this and finally understand where you can and cannot speak to Me…thank you and be well!